The Victorian Water Register has provided a central record of all water ownership, trade, market information and accounting in Victoria for over 20 years. During this time there have been significant changes in technology, the water management framework, the water market, water availability and demand, and community expectations. These changes in the broader context lead to evolving requirements of the Water Register.
To ensure the Register is adaptive and continues to meet the needs of water managers, water users, the environment and the wider community, DELWP and the Water Register Partners, with Aither’s assistance, reviewed and clarified the strategic direction for the Register. The renewed strategic direction is captured in the recently released Victorian Water Register 10-Year Strategy 2019 – 2028.
The Strategy sets out a vision and desired outcomes to guide the next evolution of the Register. It identifies current and emerging user needs for the Register, the services required to meet those needs, and guidance on developing a business model to support the Water Register. Upgrading Register technology is a significant future action, and the 10-Year Strategy will be important for guiding decisions relating to its design and operation to ensure the Water Register continues to provide benefit for Victoria.