Contact Malcolm

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Malcolm has over three decades experience in the Australian Government, the majority of which has been in senior roles in water, environment and agriculture portfolios.  He brings deep insight to the policy, regulatory and investment challenges related to natural resource management, especially water.

After stints in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Treasury and Infrastructure Department, Malcolm had the privilege of leading a team which drafted the Australian Intergovernmental Agreement on a National Water Initiative (NWI) – Australia’s world-leading blueprint for water reform.  He helped establish the National Water Commission to oversee NWI reforms, and as General Manager and then Deputy CEO, led the first national assessment of governments’ progress against the NWI – work which helped lift water management across Australia (including water governance, water pricing and water planning).

His diverse career across eight departments and agencies has provided him with deep experience in strategic policy, regulatory practice, program delivery, intergovernmental relations, public administration and governance, and operational challenges.

Malcolm keenly appreciates the growing challenges and increasing urgency of natural resource management. He is committed to improving decision making by governments and business to support sustainable use of the world’s natural capital.


Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary)
University of Canberra
Bachelor of Economics
University of Queensland
Honours (First Class)
University of Queensland