Using value to help make better decisions

We’re here to support our clients and partners in making better decisions that increase the value of their policies, management and investments.

Projects we’ve undertaken in bushfire modelling and water management this year focused on using value to better understand and respond to current and future challenges.

This approach allows clients and stakeholders to better identify, articulate and prioritise decisions. In turn this leads to better economic results, as well as greater social, environmental and cultural benefits.

Assessing and communicating the benefits of bushfire risk reduction measures

Our recent work modelling the economic benefits of bushfire risk reduction investments underscores the benefits of considering all values in decision-making. In dollar terms, our analysis for the Victorian Government quantified how targeted bushfire management investments can bring significant economic benefits including in relation to ecosystem services and tourism.

Estimating the benefits of bushfire management options using this model provides powerful insights into the value of particular strategies and the priorities for investment when budgets are constrained.

Clearly articulating and quantifying these benefits can help justify and secure funding and inform communication. It can also lead to better management decisions that benefit communities and vulnerable landscapes.

Maximising value and better managing our finite water resources

Drawing on insights from our work in the water sector locally and overseas, our latest piece shows how valuing water can guide governments, utilities, businesses and investors for stronger decision-making and better economic, social, environmental and cultural outcomes.

In this piece, we highlight some important areas for focus to better reveal, include and increase the value of water resources and services. These include cost-benefit analysis; water policy reform; sustainable funding, financing and pricing; water markets; and strategic planning and adaptive management.

Progress in these areas enables decision makers to better understand, build and manage water resources in response to current and future challenges.

Going global with our services

We’re pleased to announce some exciting developments for our team and client reach. Samantha Yates has joined us in the UK from the Global Water Leaders Group, Amy Syvrud has relocated to the US to lead our work there, and back in Australia, Rajiv Venkatraman has joined our water markets team.

These moves enhance our international network and reach, and improve our ability to contribute to challenges in more locations. As well as taking leading advice to the world, our growing team gives us the ability to leverage global insights on best practice for our clients across Australia.

We have a genuine desire for making better decisions. Together with our clients, we can continue to make progress on the common local problems, address our global challenges, and bring value for all.

Please continue to provide us with feedback, share your own ideas and work, or reach out to us for a discussion.

Yours sincerely

Will Fargher and Chris Olszak
Co-Founders and Directors, Aither


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