A clear and appropriate strategy is fundamental to organisational and program success. Effective and efficient implementation of that strategy is underpinned by a practical and meaningful system for measuring and reporting performance to ensure outcomes are achieved. Essentially, this allows you to track and evaluate progress over time so that you can learn and adjust your program along the way and, ultimately, demonstrate and celebrate success.

We work with clients to deliver practical and tailored approaches to monitoring, evaluation and reporting that reflect the scale and diversity of the investment. We specialise in revealing public, non-market benefits that are traditionally difficult to quantify, drawing on a mix of evaluation methods including interviews, data analysis, case studies and economic quantification of outcomes and benefits.


  • Monitoring and evaluation We develop practical and meaningful performance frameworks to support adaptive management, growing your evidence base of what works, and sharing success stories with communities, delivery partners and others.
  • Evaluation and review We undertake independent review of programs, including strategic direction, governance and implementation. We use multiple lines of evidence, including qualitative and quantitative methods, to explore the effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness of formative, mid-term and lapsing programs, and provide insights to inform future planning.

Selected Project Experience

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework for the Victorian Coastal Strategy (2018)

Aither developed a monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework to guide a practical and systematic assessment and review of progress against more than 60 actions and 50 outcomes set out in the Victorian Coastal Strategy 2014, and to provide insights for improving strategic planning through future processes.

Safer Together valuation and business case development

Aither developed a business case to support the implementation of a major Victorian Government’s Safer Together program that involves several government agencies. Aither undertook a lapsing program evaluation aligned with the State’s Performance Management requirements in order to inform the development of the business case, including a qualitative assessment of program delivery.

Yarra Strategic Plan Decision-Making Framework (2018)

Aither is facilitating development of a decision-making framework for assessing individual projects and proposals to ensure consistent and robust decision-making across the wide range of responsible agencies to realise the community vision and performance objectives of the Victorian Government’s Yarra Strategic Plan.