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Strategy that works: developing water utility strategies that drive holistic performance

12 December 2023

Strategy that works: developing water utility strategies that drive holistic performance

Managing water utilities is an increasingly complex task. Aither provides insights on the...

Water security is important…but what is it and how are we performing?

12 December 2023

Water security is important…but what is it and how are we performing?

Associate Director Nick Clarke reflects on recent work done with the Commonwealth, States...

Managing mounting challenges through a focus on customer value

12 December 2023

Managing mounting challenges through a focus on customer value

Prices are important, but value is what matters. In this insight, Aither identifies five...

IPART’s new regulatory framework

7 December 2022

IPART’s new regulatory framework

IPART recently released its Final Report outlining a new regulatory framework intended to...

Shaping the national water agenda

2 November 2022

Shaping the national water agenda

This paper explores how the government can set up a National Water Commission for success...

Governance as infrastructure for water security

6 April 2022

Governance as infrastructure for water security

In a recent keynote address to the International Conference on Water Resources Management...

Governance as infrastructure for water security

6 April 2022

Governance as infrastructure for water security

In a recent keynote address to the International Conference on Water Resources Management...

Focus on the future: rethinking strategy in the water and environment sectors

24 October 2019

Focus on the future: rethinking strategy in the water and environment sectors

What role does futures thinking have in the water and environment sectors, and how can...

Water investment during drought

21 August 2019

Water investment during drought

Mitigating water shortages while avoiding white elephants. Prevailing dry conditions and...

Sunwater Regional Blueprint- shaping the future of bulk water supply in regional Queensland

30 May 2019

Sunwater Regional Blueprint- shaping the future of bulk water supply in regional Queensland

Aither, in partnership with Sunwater, has developed an economic and financial...

Timely review of the the National Performance Report Framework

30 May 2019

Timely review of the the National Performance Report Framework

Aither is currently undertaking an independent review of the National Urban Water Utility...

Policy, pricing and consumption: pricing signals and economic efficiency

8 April 2019

Policy, pricing and consumption: pricing signals and economic efficiency

Efficient water networks benefit users, providers and overall economic productivity....

Policy, pricing and consumption: pricing signals and economic efficiency

3 November 2020

Policy, pricing and consumption: pricing signals and economic efficiency

Efficient water networks benefit users, providers and overall economic productivity....

Aligning liveability and customer value

11 February 2018

Aligning liveability and customer value

With the increasing prevalence of liveability and sustainability outcomes driving...

Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme

21 August 2017

Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme

The Australian Government has just announced $45.6 million in capital funding for the...

IPART – draft report and price determination for Water NSW – rural

14 March 2017

IPART – draft report and price determination for Water NSW – rural

IPART's draft report and determination for Water NSW's rural bulk water charges has been...

WaterNSW rural bulk water services expenditure review

28 February 2017

WaterNSW rural bulk water services expenditure review

A review of capital and operating expenditure. A Final Report prepared for the Independent...

IPART MDBA expenditure review

7 February 2017

IPART MDBA expenditure review

A review of MDBA expenditure and cost sharing in New South Wales. A Final Report prepared...

WaterNSW Prices for Rural Bulk Water Services

29 November 2016

WaterNSW Prices for Rural Bulk Water Services

Aither, together with our project partners Oakley Greenwood, were engaged by IPART to...

Securing water supplies requires more than just infrastructure

18 November 2016

Securing water supplies requires more than just infrastructure

The Economist recently published an in-depth article on water scarcity. The article called...

US election continues water privatisation experiment

14 November 2016

US election continues water privatisation experiment

A Trump presidency portends major change in the way natural resources are managed in...

Dams, dams and maybe some pipelines: Commonwealth issues guidelines on National Water Infrastructure

8 November 2016

Dams, dams and maybe some pipelines: Commonwealth issues guidelines on National Water Infrastructure

The Australian Government has recently released guidelines for the capital component of...

Mobilising investment in the future of water infrastructure

27 October 2016

Mobilising investment in the future of water infrastructure

The World Water Council and OECD estimate that up to US$1 trillion is required annually to...

Investing in Dams – the importance of getting water infrastructure economics right

17 June 2015

Investing in Dams – the importance of getting water infrastructure economics right

Understanding the full costs and benefits of new dams is crucial to inform investments...

Market based approaches to securing regional Australia’s urban water supply

23 April 2015

Market based approaches to securing regional Australia’s urban water supply

Aither’s recent work with regional water providers in New South Wales demonstrates the...