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Aither provides insights into contemporary issues

UN Water Conference 2023
20 April 2023
UN Water Conference 2023
The 2023 UN Water Conference was hosted at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 22 – 24 March 2023.
The 2023 UN Water Conference was hosted at the United Nations Headquarters in New York...
The future of banking?
20 April 2023
The future of banking?
Water banking in aquifers is an internationally proven, low-cost solution that could improve drought resilience across...
Water banking in aquifers is an internationally proven, low-cost solution that could...
From water strategies to strategic water investments
20 April 2023
From water strategies to strategic water investments
Australia needs to plan for, and adapt to, the changing nature of climate risks to water resources now and in the decades...
Australia needs to plan for, and adapt to, the changing nature of climate risks to water...
Governance as infrastructure for water security
6 April 2022
Governance as infrastructure for water security
In a recent keynote address to the International Conference on Water Resources Management in Dubai, Aither Director Will...
In a recent keynote address to the International Conference on Water Resources Management...
Governance as infrastructure for water security
6 April 2022
Governance as infrastructure for water security
In a recent keynote address to the International Conference on Water Resources Management in Dubai, Aither Director Will...
In a recent keynote address to the International Conference on Water Resources Management...
Actions to advance urban water security in the Indus River Basin (Pakistan)
21 February 2022
Actions to advance urban water security in the Indus River Basin (Pakistan)
This insight covers the activities and outcomes of the Pakistan urban water security project undertaken with AWP from...
This insight covers the activities and outcomes of the Pakistan urban water security...
كيف يمكن أن تساعد تقدير قيمة المياه في تحسين القرارات
8 November 2023
كيف يمكن أن تساعد تقدير قيمة المياه في تحسين القرارات
تقدير المياه يمكن أن يوجه الحكومات والمؤسسات والشركات والمستثمرين...
تقدير المياه يمكن أن يوجه الحكومات والمؤسسات...
How valuing water can help improve decisions
8 November 2020
How valuing water can help improve decisions
Valuing water can guide governments, utilities, businesses and investors to solve many of the water sector's most difficult...
Valuing water can guide governments, utilities, businesses and investors to solve many of...
How valuing water can help improve decisions
6 November 2020
How valuing water can help improve decisions
Valuing water can guide governments, utilities, businesses and investors to solve many of the water sector's most difficult...
Valuing water can guide governments, utilities, businesses and investors to solve many of...
Partnering to support water sector reforms and amplify Australia’s influence in Central Asia
24 July 2020
Partnering to support water sector reforms and amplify Australia’s influence in Central Asia
A strategic partnership between AWP, the Asian Development Bank and Aither helped shape a new national water sector...
A strategic partnership between AWP, the Asian Development Bank and Aither helped shape a...
Inquiry into the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
22 April 2020
Inquiry into the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
Water resources in the Murray River are shared across multiple states through a set of arrangements that date back more than...
Water resources in the Murray River are shared across multiple states through a set of...
A 10-year Strategy for the Victorian Water Register
19 March 2020
A 10-year Strategy for the Victorian Water Register
The Victorian Water Register has provided a central record of all water ownership, trade, market information and accounting in...
The Victorian Water Register has provided a central record of all water ownership, trade,...
Valuing the invaluable: economic and social assessment for recreation and tourism
25 November 2019
Valuing the invaluable: economic and social assessment for recreation and tourism
Aither was engaged by the Snowy Monaro Regional Council to undertake an economic assessment of recreational fishing in the...
Aither was engaged by the Snowy Monaro Regional Council to undertake an economic...
Focus on the future: rethinking strategy in the water and environment sectors
24 October 2019
Focus on the future: rethinking strategy in the water and environment sectors
What role does futures thinking have in the water and environment sectors, and how can your organisation or team embrace it?
What role does futures thinking have in the water and environment sectors, and how can...
Reflections from Stockholm World Water Week 2019
17 October 2019
Reflections from Stockholm World Water Week 2019
Reflections and insights from the Water Governance Seminar series at World Water Week 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Reflections and insights from the Water Governance Seminar series at World Water Week 2019...
Five takeaways from WaterGuide workshop at the World Bank
6 August 2019
Five takeaways from WaterGuide workshop at the World Bank
Aither and the World Bank Group convened a workshop in Washington DC, with support from DFAT and AWP, on water policy and...
Aither and the World Bank Group convened a workshop in Washington DC, with support from...
Water for Good – Ten years later, what comes next?
26 June 2019
Water for Good – Ten years later, what comes next?
This year marks ten years since the release of Water for Good, the South Australian Government’s plan to secure water for...
This year marks ten years since the release of Water for Good, the South Australian...
WaterGuide wins Water Industry Alliance award
12 June 2019
WaterGuide wins Water Industry Alliance award
Aither is pleased to have won the 2019 Water Industry Alliance Smart Water Award for Innovation in SMEs for the development...
Aither is pleased to have won the 2019 Water Industry Alliance Smart Water Award for...
‘Tipping point’: Prof Rob Vertessy on fish deaths and future-proofing the Murray-Darling Basin
30 May 2019
‘Tipping point’: Prof Rob Vertessy on fish deaths and future-proofing the Murray-Darling Basin
We interview Aither Senior Associate, Prof Rob Vertessy on fish deaths and future-proofing the Murray-Darling Basin. Like the...
We interview Aither Senior Associate, Prof Rob Vertessy on fish deaths and future-proofing...
World Water Day Address
22 March 2019
World Water Day Address
Though maybe less so for the 40 per cent of the world’s people affected by water scarcity – where water demand exceeds the...
Though maybe less so for the 40 per cent of the world’s people affected by water...
Ground level reflections from High Level Panel initiatives
26 April 2018
Ground level reflections from High Level Panel initiatives
As an initiative to support the now-concluded High-level Panel on Water (HLPW), ‘WaterGuide’ policy dialogues were held...
As an initiative to support the now-concluded High-level Panel on Water (HLPW),...
A Guide to Managing Water for the Environment
31 March 2018
A Guide to Managing Water for the Environment
A framing paper for the High-Level Panel on Water. This practical guide is an Australian contribution to the work of the...
A framing paper for the High-Level Panel on Water. This practical guide is an Australian...
What’s the catch(ment condition)?
31 January 2018
What’s the catch(ment condition)?
The Victorian Catchment Management Council (VCMC) released its five-yearly Catchment Condition and Management Report at the...
The Victorian Catchment Management Council (VCMC) released its five-yearly Catchment...
Are water markets the solution for Iran?
29 January 2018
Are water markets the solution for Iran?
During a recent intergovernmental dialogue on addressing water scarcity in Iran there was great interest in water markets....
During a recent intergovernmental dialogue on addressing water scarcity in Iran there was...
Risky business: insurance premiums signal risk
17 November 2017
Risky business: insurance premiums signal risk
The recent storms and floods affecting the United States and its Caribbean territories have spurred debate about the...
The recent storms and floods affecting the United States and its Caribbean territories...
Sharing of risk to enable the delivery of policy outcomes
31 October 2017
Sharing of risk to enable the delivery of policy outcomes
The recently released Productivity Commission report declares that the ability for the public sector to undertake a greater...
The recently released Productivity Commission report declares that the ability for the...
Aither leads Australian engagement with Jordan on solutions to water scarcity
18 September 2017
Aither leads Australian engagement with Jordan on solutions to water scarcity
Aither has collaborated with the Australian Water Partnership (AWP) and Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to...
Aither has collaborated with the Australian Water Partnership (AWP) and Australian...
Water markets in New South Wales
31 March 2017
Water markets in New South Wales
Improving understanding of market fundamentals, development, and current status. A final report prepared for NSW Department of...
Improving understanding of market fundamentals, development, and current status. A final...
29 March 2017
Setting a path to improved water resource management and use under scarcity. WaterGuide is an organising framework for...
Setting a path to improved water resource management and use under scarcity. WaterGuide is...
A review of socio-economic neutrality in the context of Murray-Darling Basin Plan implementation
3 March 2017
A review of socio-economic neutrality in the context of Murray-Darling Basin Plan implementation
A Final Report prepared for the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries – Water. The Water Act 2007 (‘the Act’)...
A Final Report prepared for the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries –...
Water and Australia’s Foreign Policy
28 February 2017
Water and Australia’s Foreign Policy
Submission to the Australian Government’s Foreign Policy White Paper. A Submission prepared for the Australian Department of...
Submission to the Australian Government’s Foreign Policy White Paper. A Submission...
The case for value-based water management
13 February 2017
The case for value-based water management
Improving water management outcomes requires better decisions about investment in, allocation and use of available water...
Improving water management outcomes requires better decisions about investment in,...
IPART MDBA expenditure review
7 February 2017
IPART MDBA expenditure review
A review of MDBA expenditure and cost sharing in New South Wales. A Final Report prepared for the Independent Pricing and...
A review of MDBA expenditure and cost sharing in New South Wales. A Final Report prepared...
What’s wrong with water productivity?
3 February 2017
What’s wrong with water productivity?
Aither's Simon Hone is in Islamabad for the launch of the Australian Government’s Water Program. Pakistan faces enormous...
Aither's Simon Hone is in Islamabad for the launch of the Australian Government’s Water...
Why agriculture is so important to solving water scarcity
2 February 2017
Why agriculture is so important to solving water scarcity
Over coming decades, hundreds of communities will likely be faced with the prospect of mass forced or voluntary relocation...
Over coming decades, hundreds of communities will likely be faced with the prospect of...
Water crises a top global risk for 6th year in a row
16 January 2017
Water crises a top global risk for 6th year in a row
The World Economic Forum (WEF) last week published the 2017 edition of its Global Risks Report. For the sixth year running,...
The World Economic Forum (WEF) last week published the 2017 edition of its Global Risks...
What does 2017 hold for water management?
13 January 2017
What does 2017 hold for water management?
2016 was a big year for the international water management community. The Sustainable Development Goals were launched,...
2016 was a big year for the international water management community. The Sustainable...
Valuing natural capital in the Solomon Islands
22 December 2016
Valuing natural capital in the Solomon Islands
Global value of ecosystem services is at US$125 trillion per annum and potential losses through land use change could be...
Global value of ecosystem services is at US$125 trillion per annum and potential losses...
Securing water supplies requires more than just infrastructure
18 November 2016
Securing water supplies requires more than just infrastructure
The Economist recently published an in-depth article on water scarcity. The article called for urgent reform of water...
The Economist recently published an in-depth article on water scarcity. The article called...
US election continues water privatisation experiment
14 November 2016
US election continues water privatisation experiment
A Trump presidency portends major change in the way natural resources are managed in America. But beyond the presidential...
A Trump presidency portends major change in the way natural resources are managed in...
DC Water issues America’s first environmental impact bond
9 November 2016
DC Water issues America’s first environmental impact bond
Social impact bonds and pay-for-success government contracting are rapidly gaining in popularity. In the social policy realm,...
Social impact bonds and pay-for-success government contracting are rapidly gaining in...
Dams, dams and maybe some pipelines: Commonwealth issues guidelines on National Water Infrastructure
8 November 2016
Dams, dams and maybe some pipelines: Commonwealth issues guidelines on National Water Infrastructure
The Australian Government has recently released guidelines for the capital component of the National Water Infrastructure...
The Australian Government has recently released guidelines for the capital component of...
Energy transitions and structural adjustment
5 November 2016
Energy transitions and structural adjustment
The recent announcement that the Hazelwood power station will close is likely a win for the climate but presents challenges...
The recent announcement that the Hazelwood power station will close is likely a win for...
Note on water policy and management – Jan 2016
2 February 2016
Note on water policy and management – Jan 2016
Australian water policy and management is the envy of the world but significant challenges remain, with real benefits to be...
Australian water policy and management is the envy of the world but significant challenges...