Aither, and its subcontractors Oakley Greenwood, WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, and Australian Dams & Water Consultants (the review team), were engaged by the New South Wales (NSW) Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) to undertake an independent review of WaterNSW’s past and proposed capital and operating expenditure for the rural bulk water services component of the WaterNSW business.
The key tasks for the review were to:
- Undertake a strategic review of long-term investment planning and asset management systems
- Undertake a detailed review of capital and operating expenditure
- Assess WaterNSW’s performance against stipulated output measures during the previous determination period, and propose new output measures for the next period (if appropriate)
- Assess the rationale for and cost recovery and reflectivity of several specific water charges.